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Switch Mongo DB from Built-in to SAML

8 - Asteroid



We are switching to use Azure for SSO and MFA for our server. We currently are using Built-in authentication and it is my understanding that we will need to deinstall and reinstall a new Mongo DB using SAML Authentication to make this work.


Is there a guide or steps to follow to ensure that I do this process correctly? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @DerikSadowski ,


You can change from built-in to SAML directly without erasing the MongoDB database, this is an exception and only works for this specific change because MongoDB`s structure is the same in both cases. Of course, this would only work if the users registered with the same e-mail as the ones they would be using with SAML.


If you are unsure about all the users and would rather start from scratch, here is the process you need to follow to clear your Mongo and start fresh.

  1. Stop the AlteryxService service
  2. Go to the Alteryx System Settings > Controller > Persistence and check where the data folder is located
    1. fmvizcaino_0-1683905521383.png


  3. Save a copy just in case and delete the MongoDB folder (the default location is C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\Persistence\MongoDB)
  4. Save a copy just in case and delete the runtimesettings.xml located on C:\ProgramData\Alteryx. This file contains all the information you configured on your Alteryx System Settings and by deleting you are erasing all the configurations done before.,


Best regards,

Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid



Interesting, thank you for your reply! It was mentioned in the server admin learning path and here that a switch like that may cause issues.


For example it says:

"Server doesn't support changing the authentication type after configuration. Doing so might compromise the Server functionality. If you want to change the authentication type, contact your account team to discuss options for assistance."


So all of that was getting me concerned that I would need to replace the database.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @DerikSadowski ,


You can find that same message in many places, including the Alteryx system settings.

You won`t find documentation of this exception anywhere, I`ve found out this when discussing something else with Alteryx support.


If everyone registered on Alteryx Server with the same e-mails as the ones they got with SAML, you are good to go.



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid



Great, thank you for confirming!